Willie Howard, organiser at Unite the Union
“An absolute must read for anyone concerned with trade unionism, especially those in the process of trying to organise their colleagues.”
“An absolute must read for anyone concerned with trade unionism, especially those in the process of trying to organise their colleagues.”
“I’d definitely recommend reading it if you’re thinking about organising your workplace. Also useful for those with more experience too.”
‘Workers can’t rely on getting all the information and advice we need from reps training. I wish I’d read this book five years ago. Every rep, and anyone interested in getting involved in a union should have a copy.’
The book is a brilliant combination of rank & file organising methods and socialist politics. A must read for anyone wanting to organise and build power their workplace!
If you want to build power amongst your work colleagues, Workers Can Win by Ian Allinson is a must read. Buy Workers Can Win, read it and try it out in your workplace. Get your fellow activists to read it too.
‘Just at the time when workers are mobilising to tackle the economic and climate crises we all face, this invaluable handbook comes along to provide an essential guide to winning.’ John McDonnell MP.
‘A must read for every trade union activist.‘
‘Workers have needed a practical, positive, accessible guide to organising in Britain for a long time and Ian, using his vast experience in the area has created just that! It will be a valuable resource for union representatives and organisers wanting to grow their branch and union!’
‘In the age of climate breakdown, militant worker organising is as urgent as ever. Workers and environmentalists share a common enemy in the capitalist class and Allinson gives us all a powerful guide of how to effectively organise for social change from our workplaces. If you’re wondering what you can do in the fight for climate justice then read Workers Can Win!, join your union, and get organising.‘
‘Drawing on years of experience, Unite activist Ian Allinson has written an organizing handbook that will be invaluable for rank and file organizers and trade union professionals alike. Allinson offers timely, concrete analysis and advice that will be an aid to activists across the trade union movement in today’s difficult work environment.’