
This website is run by Ian Allinson, author of Workers Can Win! A guide to organising at work to accompany the book and act as a hub for updates and resources.

You can read more about the book here.

About Ian

Ian Allinson
Photo by Steve Eason

I started organising while working in a largely un-unionised multinational outsourcing company. I led strikes which won union recognition, saved jobs, defended pensions, and improved pay, sick pay and holidays. In 2009 I led the first national strike in the notoriously difficult to organise IT industry in Britain, which won a national agreement despite the employer not recognising the union nationally. I have been involved beyond my workplace too, serving on the national executive committee and standing in 2017 as a grassroots socialist candidate for Unite general secretary. I am involved with Manchester trade union council, served as its president, and coordinate its solidarity for disputes and its campaigning on climate issues. I’m now working in public transport where I’m an officer of my UNISON branch.

As well as direct experience, my journey to writing this book involved learning from countless activists, from training and education, from books and discussions. After my dismissal in 2018 I spent a couple of years working as an organiser for rs21, the socialist group I’m involved with, which supported me writing the book. I have written extensively on workers’ movement issues for rs21 and elsewhere. I have supported workplace activists across many industries and run activist training courses.