Tony Barnsley, Sandwell General UNISON (pc)

If you want to build power amongst your work colleagues, Workers Can Win by Ian Allinson is a must read. Whether in a non-unionised, poorly unionised or well unionised workplace, Workers Can Win is a great guide for organising workers’ power from the bottom-up.

The deep organising methods being used to rekindle the trade union movement in the USA are practically outlined in this book. They were the organising methods we used to beat fire and rehire at Sandwell Leisure Trust. Combining a political leverage strategy with an industrial strategy to win from day one, helped sustain UNISON members during their 20-month long successful dispute.

At a time when we face the most right wing Tory government in living memory and a cost of living crisis affecting every worker, union activists need to know how to organise effectively, fast.

Buy Workers Can Win, read it and try it out in your workplace.

Get your fellow activists to read it too.

Enough is enough. Our class needs to resist, fightback and win. Buy Workers Can Win today.

Tony Barnsley
Branch Secretary of Sandwell General UNISON Branch (personal capacity)
Author of Breaking Their Chains: Mary Macarthur and the Chainmakers’ Strike 1910